Nelisa Waka

Your Credit Health

How to Make Sense of Your Credit Report

Nelisa has always been a go-getter, claiming her space in the working world. Her husband is her greatest support, so when she landed her dream job it meant packing up and moving cities. But the grass wasn’t as green as they’d hoped. Nelisa’s husband lost his job, and when Nelisa was also retrenched, the bills began to pile up. 

Nelisa applied for a personal loan with DirectAxis, but due to a poor credit rating, she didn’t qualify. She was introduced to DirectAxis Pulse: a free credit tool that gives South Africans the knowledge they need to stay on top of their credit health rating. 

She knew why keeping close tabs on your credit rating is an important part of financial security, and with DirectAxis Pulse she was able to make sense of her credit report.

Here Nelisa’s shares her story, and insights on how she took control of her credit, by learning to understand a credit report, and how you can too: 

You've Got Your Credit Report. But What Does It All Mean?

What your credit health report means

This is an overview of how DirectAxis Pulse can give you the resources and education to help you improve your credit health.

To get access to your personalised, helpful tips in full detail, you’ll need to create your own DirectAxis Pulse account first.

“The value of the education that DirectAxis Pulse gave me will last much longer than a loan ever could have,” says Nelisa. “The only way to take control of your finances is to understand them: and it starts with your credit health rating.”

Whether you want to empower yourself with the knowledge to make the right financial decisions with DirectAxis Pulse or by applying for a personal loan to reach your goals, DirectAxis is here to help.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you build your better tomorrow, together.

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